Exploring the Functions and Duties of the Croatian Central State Office Catering to the Croatian Diaspora

The Central Bureau for Overseas Croats, referred to as "Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske" in Croatian, functions as the governing authority responsible for managing the relationship between the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian diaspora situated beyond its borders. Formed in 2012, the Bureau is dedicated to upholding the rights and concerns of Croats abroad, as well as fostering and strengthening the Croatian communities.

Who Belongs to Croats Outside of Croatia?

Those outside Croatia classified as Croats comprise individuals holding Croatian citizenship, those designated as "Croat without Croatian nationality," and those of Croatian ethnicity or descent without a specified nationality or status. This encompasses Croats residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian minority populations in various European nations, as well as the global Croatian emigrant and diaspora communities.

Diaspora and Ethnic Minorities in Croatia:

The Croatian government regularly releases statistical data concerning the diaspora residing in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, among others. Furthermore, Croatia has established national minorities in several European nations, contributing to the widespread presence and influence of the Croatian community across the globe.

Advantages for individuals of Croatian descent without official Croatian nationality and status:

Non-Croatian nationals who do not hold the "Status of Croat without Croatian nationality" are entitled to various privileges in Croatia. According to the Law on Foreigners, they are granted an accelerated process for acquiring a Croatian passport, as well as residence, work, and stay permits, along with business permits. This legal framework ensures a streamlined and efficient pathway for individuals seeking these essential documents in Croatia.

Unlocking the Status: A Guide to Inquiring About a Croat's Situation without Croatian Citizenship

To apply for this special status, make sure to submit your application to the Central State Office for Croats Abroad at a Croatian embassy or consulate in your area. The eligibility criteria cover a range of individuals, such as Croats residing outside Croatia, spouses of Croats without Croatian heritage, adopted and biological children of Croats abroad, and foreign friends who share a strong connection with the Croatian nation.

Once granted the status of a Croat without Croatian nationality, you'll enjoy various perks. These include easier enrollment in Croatian schools, assistance with employment, access to language schools, participation in cultural and educational programs, and more. Embracing this status opens doors to a multitude of benefits that contribute to a richer experience within the Croatian community.

Seeking Certification of Croatian Heritage? 

Individuals from the Croatian community with foreign or no nationality who wish to reside in Croatia, whether temporarily or permanently, are required to secure a certificate confirming their affiliation with the Croatian people.This is known as the "Potvrda o pripadnosti hrvatskom narodu."

This certification is a crucial step in the process of obtaining residence permits, particularly for humanitarian purposes. Did you know that this measure ensures a regulated and compassionate approach to granting residency in Croatia?

Individuals in possession of this certificate are eligible to pursue permanent residency in Croatia provided they return with the explicit intention of establishing permanent residence and maintain uninterrupted residency within the country for three years preceding the application date.

Where can I get my Certificate?

Acquiring the certificate of affiliation with the Croatian people serves as just one of the essential prerequisites for initiating applications for either temporary or permanent residency. The first step is to obtain your certificate from The Office for Croats Abroad prior to submitting your application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP), with the application procedures tailored to the unique circumstances of each individual.

Where do I start?

As of the most recent update on January 3, 2024, the Croatian Central State Office for Croats Abroad is offering personalized guidance on acquiring this certificate. To kickstart the process, you are encouraged to directly connect with the Office for Croats Abroad. They will arrange a dedicated appointment to carefully evaluate your unique situation. Following the interview, you will need to submit the essential documentation that validates your connection with the Croatian community. This usually involves sharing personal details, evidence of family lineage, and information about your family members. After the submission of the certificate issuance request, the office will evaluate the case and make a decision regarding the issuance of the certificate.

Grants for Studying the Croatian Language

The Central State Office for Croats Abroad is excited to provide scholarships for individuals interested in learning the Croatian language through the Croatian Internet Course HiT-1 offered by the University of Zagreb. This opportunity is open to members of the Croatian community, their descendants, spouses, and friends living outside Croatia. Hop onto their website for further information about grants and scholarships.


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