Mastering the Process: Applying for Croatian Citizenship via Special Interests in 2024

What are the different options to obtain Citizenship?

Croatia provides several avenues for acquiring citizenship, including descent (having a Croatian ancestor), origin (being born to a Croatian), marriage (being married to a Croatian), and naturalization (residing in Croatia for a sufficient duration). These are the most commonly pursued paths.

For individuals without Croatian heritage or marriage to a Croatian, naturalization typically remains the sole available option.

An additional pathway is accessible for those who contribute significantly to the Republic of Croatia. Governed by Article 12 of the Law on Croatian Citizenship, this route is known as "poseban interes" or special interest. Unlike the standard naturalization process, individuals pursuing citizenship through special interest are allowed to retain their existing nationalities, making it an appealing alternative.

In Summary of Article 12, If a foreigner's admission to Croatian citizenship is deemed beneficial for the Republic of Croatia, they can obtain citizenship through naturalization, even if they don't meet specific requirements. The spouse of someone who has acquired Croatian citizenship can also apply, despite not meeting certain criteria, if they've lived in Croatia with an approved residence permit for a year. To determine the Republic of Croatia's interest in granting citizenship, the Ministry of the Interior seeks a reasoned opinion from the relevant authorities.

 If you're dreaming of becoming a Croatian citizen, here's the lowdown from Article 8 (Official Gazette 102/19). First off, you've gotta be 18 or older – no kiddos allowed! Also, you'll need to bid farewell to your foreign citizenship or at least have proof that you're on the way to saying goodbye if you want to call Croatia your home. Living in the Republic of Croatia for a solid 8 years with a registered residence and a foreigner's permanent residence status is a must. Oh, and don't forget to brush up on your Croatian language and Latin script, plus get cozy with the local culture and social order. It's the key to unlocking your Croatian citizenship dreams!

How do I know if I qualify as the Candidate of Article 12’s dreams?

The initial rule in the law basically says, "You can become a Croatian citizen if it's good for Croatia." Don't overthink it; just focus on how you can genuinely benefit the country. To get citizenship based on this, Croatia needs to see that it's a win-win, that having you as a citizen brings some serious perks.

Just being good at your job isn't enough – it needs to go beyond that. Even being an employer isn't a guaranteed ticket. You've got to show a track record of really making a positive impact in Croatia or make a solid case that you're about to.

Take sports, for example. If you want to play for a national team, you've got to be a Croatian citizen. They often offer citizenship to non-Croatians who want to move here and play sports like football or basketball. Article 12 is the go-to for this, but it's not the only game in town.

Make sure your Application is good to go:

Let's explore the application process together – consider it like putting together a case file that highlights your strengths. Take this opportunity to present yourself well. Below is a checklist to help you along the way:

Complete the Application Form: Depending on your circumstances, obtain the application form for:

  • Acquiring Croatian citizenship as an adult 

  • Extending the citizenship to include an adult and child/children 

    Craft Your Biography: Present your life story in Croatian, supported by relevant documentation.

  • Essential Birth Certificate: Include the original, apostilled, and officially translated birth certificate.

  • Background Check: Furnish a recent background check from your country of nationality, meeting the original, apostille, and official translation criteria.

  • Proof of Nationality: Provide a copy of your passport or an equivalent document.

  • Valid Identity Document: Include an identity document with a visible photo, along with an apostilled, officially translated copy.

  • Highlight Your Contribution: Clearly articulate how your presence benefits the Republic of Croatia, especially if your application is based on special interest.

  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable): If married, include the original, apostilled, and officially translated certificate.

  • Residence Proof: Present evidence of your residence, and if you own property, include an excerpt from the land registry.

Please note that all foreign public documents must be originals, apostilled, and officially translated into Croatian unless specified otherwise by international agreements.

Choose Your Ministry Partners

The Ministry of the Interior (MUP) takes the lead in processing citizenship applications. If applying under Article 12, collaborate with at least one additional ministry. MUP seeks the opinion of relevant ministries aligned with your application basis.

Submit Your Application

Present your application for Croatian citizenship based on special interest in person at the administrative police station nearest to your residence. While a legal representative may accompany you, your presence is essential. In case of a disabled applicant, the claim may be filed by their legal representative or an authorized proxy.

Be prepared for a potentially extended application process; estimate at least a year or more, depending on your circumstances.


During the Citizenship process,  depending on your situation, you will need to provide statements to the police. Here are two examples:

  • Surprise! Random visit by MUP representative. They will show up unannounced and ask you questions about yourself. They will be informal questions about you life and background.

  • Scheduled appointment at MUP, discussing your life in Croatia, reasons for citizenship, and personal background.

Good things come to those that wait….

The time required for MUP to request opinions, relevant ministries to prepare their opinions, and MUP to process the application can vary. A reasonable follow-up period is around two months after the opinion request.

Celebration Time – You're a Citizen!

Upon approval, you'll receive the "Decision on the admission to Croatian citizenship" document. A fee is applicable for obtaining this document, and with it, you're automatically enrolled in the Register of Citizens.

Secure Your Identity Documents

Post-approval, obtain your identity documents such as the domovnica, birth certificate, passport, and osobna iskaznica. Congratulations on becoming a Croatian citizen!


Dominacija procesa: Zahtjev za hrvatsko državljanstvo putem posebnih interesa u 2024. godini


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