Seamless Steps to Attain Citizenship through Descent (Prirođenje) - Your Ultimate 2024 Handbook

Croatian citizenship unfolds through diverse avenues, each distinguished by unique prerequisites and milestones that one must meet to qualify.

This comprehensive guide exclusively delves into the realm of obtaining Croatian citizenship grounded in ancestry, referred to as "stjecanje hrvatskog državljanstva prirođenjem" or simply "prirođenje" in Croatian.

It is imperative to articulate that this specifically pertains to individuals with a direct lineage to Croatian ancestors, encompassing parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so forth. Additionally, this route extends to Croatians born on Croatian soil before the nation's independence in 1991, who subsequently established permanent residence abroad.

Laying the foundation for Croatian citizenship through the criterion of descent.

Explore the ins and outs of Croatian citizenship through the Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu, a legal guide that covers the basics of citizenship, the requirements for getting it, and the circumstances under which it might end.

If you're considering Croatian citizenship through descent, there are specific criteria outlined in this legislation to meet. Get the details in the Croatian Citizenship Act.

The Croatian Ministry of the Interior, commonly known as MUP or policija (police), manages the process. Getting Croatian citizenship involves a simple evaluation of your application by MUP. A positive decision means you've earned citizenship and can proceed to obtain your domovnica, the official proof of citizenship, and other necessary Croatian documents.

Am I eligible to seek Croatian citizenship through descent?

To be eligible for application based on ancestry, it is essential to establish a direct lineage with a Croatian forebearer who made a permanent departure from Croatia to settle abroad. This familial link can span across parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and subsequent generations, provided they are recognized as Croatian emigrants.

It's crucial to note that if your ancestors either returned to Croatia or never left the country, they won't be classified as emigrants, rendering Article 11 inapplicable. Effective January 1, 2020, there is no prescribed limit on the number of generations you can trace back, as long as you can substantiate the familial connection and their migration overseas.

For those born in Croatia and subsequently relocated abroad before the country gained independence in 1991, there is an avenue to seek citizenship through descent. However, it's important to highlight that citizenship in such cases is not automatically conferred. While there was a window post-independence during which citizenship acquisition was relatively straightforward, that specified period has now concluded.

How can I apply for Croatian citizenship based on descent?

Step #1 Validate Your Rightful Claim

Before embarking on the exciting journey of acquiring Croatian citizenship, it is imperative to ensure the validity of your entitlement. Any lingering uncertainty about your claim could potentially lead to a significant investment of time and resources going astray. Given the intricate and time-consuming nature of this process, thorough scrutiny of all pertinent facts is highly advisable before taking the plunge. Securing the birth certificate of either yourself or your Croatian ancestor serves as the optimal means of confirming your entitlement. Without this crucial document, navigating the citizenship application under Article 11 may prove to be a formidable challenge.

If there's any uncertainty about your eligibility or if assistance is needed in locating and procuring a birth certificate in Croatia, don't hesitate to reach out to us by downloading the CitizenHR app, and we'll guide you through the initial steps.

Step #2 Craft a Comprehensive Application

The most intricate facet of the process lies in meticulously preparing your application, a task that involves gathering documentation from both Croatia and your home country. This undertaking may demand a considerable amount of time and attention to detail. The following documents are non-negotiable:

  • A meticulously completed application form (choose the appropriate form based on your case).

  • A captivating Croatian biography detailing your reasons for applying and your profound connection to the country.

  • Your foreign birth certificate, duly apostilled/legalized, and officially translated with precision.

  • The birth certificate of your Croatian ancestor or your own, if you are the emigrant. Birth certificates of relatives linking you to this distinguished ancestor.

  • Notarized proof of citizenship, encompassing a passport, ID card, or equivalent.

  • A comprehensive background check from your home country (or the country of residence in the last 12 months) demonstrating a clean slate within the last 6 months.

  • A copy of your identity document with a visually striking photo, officially translated if not in English.

  • A marriage certificate (if applicable).

  • A meticulously detailed family tree.

  • Persuasive proof of your ancestor's permanent emigration abroad, which may include a ship manifest, entry at the port of call, a death certificate, or any other document shedding light on their life in Croatia before departure.

For applicants under 18, the additional document checklist includes:

  • A birth certificate.

  • Compelling proof of citizenship.

  • A written consent form the other parent.

All documents originating from foreign governments outside Croatia must be original, apostilled/legalized, and officially translated into Croatian, unless stipulated otherwise by bilateral and multilateral international agreements.

Depending on the institution handling your application, the process of collecting necessary documentation might take some time. Feel free to contact us using the form provided to initiate this transformative process.

Step #3 Showcase Your Application 

Once all the required documentation is elegantly gathered, it's time to submit the application for Croatian citizenship acquisition. This should be done in person in the country of your residence or the most convenient location.

For Croatian emigrants born in the country and departed prior to 1991, applying from within Croatia is not possible without legal residence. Acquiring legal residence signifies a triumphant return to Croatia and the cessation of emigrant status.

If residing outside Croatia, the application should be submitted at the nearest Croatian consulate or embassy to your foreign residence. A curated list of these establishments can be found here. For those with special circumstances, a legal representative or authorized proxy can submit the application on your behalf.

Step #4 Embrace the Art of Patience

The process of acquiring Croatian citizenship is an art that requires patience. Sometimes, this entire masterpiece may take two or more years, especially when applying from abroad. The completeness of your application significantly influences the efficiency of the government's processing. Ensure your application is a masterpiece, meticulously prepared to prevent any delays or additional document requests.

Step #5 Revel in Your Triumph

Upon approval, the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) will present you with a positive decision, eloquently titled "Rješenje o primitku u hrvatsko državljanstvo" (Decision on the admission to Croatian citizenship). Your Croatian citizenship commences from the date of this decision. Congratulations on your splendid achievement!

In the event of a setback, a negative decision will be presented. If you believe your application was unjustly rejected, you can elegantly submit a complaint (tužba) to the administrative court within 30 days of receiving the negative decision. An administrative fee is applicable upon receiving the decision, varying based on the outcome.

Embark on this transformative journey with poise, and may your path to Croatian citizenship be a masterpiece in itself!

Requesting  additional Croatian documents once you have acquired Croatian citizenship.

Once you've embraced your Croatian identity, unlock the full spectrum of your citizenship journey by obtaining essential documents in this exciting sequence:

Domovnica (Proof of Citizenship)

Rodni List (Birth Certificate)

Putovnica (Passport)

Osobna Iskaznica (ID Card)

Validate your Croatian citizenship proudly with the following credentials:

  • Croatian ID Card

  • Croatian Passport

  • Military ID Card

  • Domovnica

Download your CitizenHR app today!


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