Your Journey After Securing Croatian Citizenship: What's Next?

Just got your Croatian citizenship or about to join the Hrvatica or Hrvat club? Congrats on kicking off your Croatian adventure! Being a Croatian citizen is pretty awesome, with loads of perks and no major downsides. But, don't be fooled into thinking it's all smooth sailing now. There's a bunch of steps ahead, from scoring your passport to sorting out your birth registration. It might feel a bit overwhelming, but hey, that's just how things roll in Croatia!

And if you're living outside the country, buckle up for some extra bureaucratic twists. Some documents can only be snagged within Croatia. But don't stress – this handy guide is your go-to for what comes next after getting Croatian citizenship. Find out which Croatian documents to grab, how to tackle the bureaucratic maze, and where to get a hand from trusted Croatian pros. It's your personal roadmap to make the journey a bit smoother!

Ins and Outs of the Bureaucratic System

Let's dive in! Before you embark on your Croatian citizenship journey, brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride through the Croatian bureaucratic system, which might be quite different from what you're used to back home. Get the lowdown on the bureaucratic procedures because, trust me, you'll want to know the ropes. Once you officially become a Croatian citizen, get ready for some frequent visits to state institutions – it's part of the initiation until you've got all the Croatian documents you need!

But hey, fear not! We've got a treasure trove of detailed guides on our site, covering everything from immigration and citizenship to healthcare, real estate, and even some local lingo. Take a stroll through these guides and don't be shy about hitting us up for some professional help. As you wade through various bureaucratic processes, you'll eventually need to throw in your foreign papers. Lucky for you, our guide on preparing foreign documents for use in Croatia spills all the tea on what you need to know ( Get in touch with our friendly experts on your CitizenHR App).

And that's not all! Explore our articles on Croatian daily life, people, culture, education, history, transportation, and rights to get a taste of the Croatian way of living. Spoiler alert: assimilation doesn't happen overnight, but the more you know, the smoother the ride.

What happens next:

So, you've decided to become a Croatian citizen – congrats! But hey, don't think they'll just hand you a passport; there's a bit of a process involved. It's like unlocking a new level in a game, and each step is a little victory on your citizenship journey. 

Step 1: Take a Pledge of Honor

First off, picture this: you standing there, hand on heart, taking a solemn oath called "svečana prisega." It's like your citizenship initiation. The Ministry of the Interior (MUP) sets the stage, and you gotta recite a unique text promising to be a good Croatian citizen – respecting laws, culture, etc…

Step 2: The Golden Ticket - Decision on Citizenship

Once they give you the nod, you get this fancy document called "Rješenje o primitku u hrvatsko državljanstvo." It's like your golden ticket to being a full-fledged Croatian. Hold onto this – it's proof that you've officially made the cut.

Step 3: Book of Citizens - Your VIP Pass

Boom! With that decision in hand, you're automatically inducted into the "Knjiga državljana" or the Book of Citizens. It's like the VIP list for all the cool Croatian citizens.

Step 4: Meet Domovnica – Your Identity Sidekick

Now, meet your sidekick – the "domovnica." It's your proof of citizenship, and you'll need it for all sorts of adventures, like getting a passport or birth certificate. Getting it is like leveling up in the Croatian citizenship game.

Step 5: Births, Marriages, and More – The Real-Life Stuff

Next up, it's real-life stuff. Register in the Book of Births, sort out foreign marriages or divorces, get your Croatian birth certificate – you know, the whole shebang. 

Step 6: Passport Power

Time for some passport power! The "putovnica" is your ticket to the world. Grab it at MUP, through e-Građani, or at a consulate – it's like unlocking the ability to travel hassle-free.

Step 7: Get Your ID Card – Your Croatian Badge

And of course, your Croatian badge – the "osobna iskaznica." It's not just an ID; it's your ticket to e-Građani, the online portal for all things official. It's like having a backstage pass to the government's virtual concert.

Step 8: Home Sweet Home - Moving to Croatia

Lastly, with your Croatian citizenship in hand, you've got the green light to move to Croatia. It's like unlocking the final level – you made it!

So, there you have it – your personalized guide to becoming a Croatian citizen. It's not just paperwork; it's your hero's journey to being a part of this amazing country. Best of luck on your adventure!

Where can I get my Documents?

Discover the seamless process of obtaining essential documents in Croatia with our user-friendly guide. Whether you're within Croatia or abroad, we've streamlined the application process for you. Submit your applications effortlessly to the renowned Croatian police, known as MUP, through our comprehensive list of administrative stations. Obtain specific documents by visiting the matični ured (register's office), conveniently organized by Croatian counties.

For those outside Croatia, access your Croatian documents with ease by visiting the nearest Croatian consulate or embassy. Simplifying the application process, most documents require in-person submission at authorized institutions. Parents can conveniently obtain documents for their minor children, while authorized proxies or lawyers can assist individuals, especially those with disabilities.

Once you've secured your citizenship, our team at CitizenHR are ready to help you navigate the process of obtaining all necessary documents. Contact us for expert assistance tailored to your needs. If, at any point, you wish to relinquish your Croatian citizenship, experience a hassle-free journey with our guidance and support.


Votre parcours après avoir obtenu la citoyenneté croate : Qu'est-ce qui suit ? 


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