Your Essential 2024 Guide on Registering a Birth in Croatia's Book of Beginnings (Matica rođenih)

Every Croatian national, irrespective of their place of birth, is required to undergo birth registration through the matični ured. This office, serving as the registrar's hub in Croatia, oversees multiple services, with a primary focus on recording the births of citizens.

In the event of a new addition to a Croatian citizen's family, the newborn must undergo registration with the matični ured. Similarly, individuals who acquire Croatian citizenship are obligated to complete registration with the registrar. Following successful registration, the issuance of a birth certificate becomes possible.

As part of the registration process, the matrica rođenih welcomes the inclusion of the newly born or naturalized citizen.

Matica rođenih -  register of all birth certificates managed by the matični ured, which is the Croatian Registrar's Office.

If I give birth in Croatia, how can I go about registering their birth?

Celebrating the newest addition to your family in Croatia? Fantastic! Now, let's dive into the exciting process of officially welcoming your bundle of joy into the world through birth registration and getting them listed in the  "matica rođenih" (book of births).

Step one: The birth registration, or as they call it, "prijava rođenja." Time is of the essence here – make sure to swing by the matični ured (registrar's office) within 15 days of your little one's arrival. If your baby was born in a hospital, the place will shoot over the details to the matični ured. If it was more of a living room affair, anyone from dad to the friendly neighbor can report it. Just gather the birth deets and proof of mother’s status.

Now, the grand finale: Getting your little baby officially logged into the "matica rođenih"! Two ways to do this – classic style by visiting the matični ured near your home (fill out a  form) or go tech-savvy with the eNovorođenče online app [website link]. You've got 30 days to decide on a name, and if you and your co-captain have different last names, it's decision time – both or just one?

Pro tip: If only one parent is making the registrar's office pit stop, bring along a written thumbs-up from the other parent on the name choice. Teamwork makes the dream work!

And here's the cliffhanger: Get this done within 30 days, or the matični ured will give a shout-out to the Centar za socijalnu skrb (Center for Social Welfare), who'll give you a friendly nudge. Let the official baby adventure begin!

What if I give birth outside of Croatia? 

Embarking on the journey to document the birth of your child, who came into the world beyond the borders of Croatia, introduces an element of international significance to the process. Envision this scenario: for your newborn to be officially recorded in the matica rođenih, it is imperative that at least one parent possesses the Croatian citizenship card during the child's momentous arrival. Time is of the essence, as you are encouraged to complete the registration within a 30-day timeframe.

If your residence is situated within Croatia, the subsequent step entails locating the nearest matični ured office to your prebivalište (permanent address) within the country. Refer to the comprehensive list of matični ured offices tailored to your county and city preferences in Croatia. Keep in mind the essential VIP entry requirement: thorough documentation that verifies the birth's origin. Consider this requirement akin to a golden ticket, typically in the form of a birth certificate. However, it is prudent to be vigilant for potential variations, as the criteria may incorporate unique elements based on international norms. It is advisable to engage in dialogue with the matični ured to remain informed about the latest procedural requirements.

For Croatian parents with a more nomadic lifestyle and lacking a permanent address (prebivalište) in the homeland, Zagreb assumes the role of the stage for your baby's official introduction to the world, with various matični ured locations awaiting your presence.

In the event that a visit to Croatia's borders seems impractical, fret not! There are three alternative pathways to officially register your baby in the Croatian registry:

  • The distinguished Croatian consular office or embassy abroad serves as your exclusive red carpet event (refer to the official website for a comprehensive list).

  • Designating a representative, known as an opunomoćenik, to act as your registration advocate.

  • Submitting a written account of your baby's birth directly to the matični ured.

The culmination of registering your globally connected little one in the matica rođenih necessitates compelling evidence of the birth, with the birth certificate assuming a central role. Recognize that each country follows its unique script, so it is prudent to stay in contact with your local embassy or consulate for the latest updates. The registration journey unfolds as a narrative, with each twist and turn contributing to the story of your baby's grand entrance into the Croatian family album.

Discover the exciting process of adding your name to the birth registry after gaining Croatian citizenship!

Individuals who embark on the exciting journey of acquiring Croatian citizenship, either through application or by making a citizenship request, will find themselves seamlessly enrolled in the vibrant tapestry of citizenship at the matični ured office. Once officially adorned with the Croatian identity, citizens can not only proudly obtain their citizenship proof (domovnica) but also secure a coveted spot in the birth register.

Discover the step-by-step guide in our articles, "How to apply for Croatian citizenship based on descent" and "How to get proof of citizenship (domovnica)," where the magic unfolds. The adventure doesn't end there – these requests can be fulfilled at the heart of Croatia in a matični ured office or, for those exploring the world, at a Croatian embassy or consulate abroad. Embrace the journey, and let the citizenship story unfold!


Votre guide essentiel de 2024 sur l'enregistrement d'une naissance dans le Livre des Débuts de la Croatie (Matica rođenih) 


Tvoj bitni vodič za 2024. godinu o registraciji rođenja u Knjizi početaka Hrvatske (Matica rođenih)